The Equality Act and Cancel Culture - A Look at the Horizon

Dan Hitz is the Executive Director of Reconciliation Ministries of Michigan, Inc. He is a licensed professional counselor, an ordained minister, and an EMDR trained, certified clinical trauma professional. Dan helps men, women, and adolescents find healing through the transformational power of Jesus Christ.

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NIV

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As the Equality Act continues to make its way through the US Senate, Jesus’ words remind us to lean on Him as we face significant trials. Jesus plainly told the disciples that they would face trials and tribulations in this world. He didn’t do that to fuel their fear and anxiety. He wanted to prepare them. He wanted to show them the importance of living in complete dependence on God. When things did get tough, they could remember Jesus’ words and all that He taught them along the way.

That is the intent of this newsletter, to prepare you for what may be on the horizon, whether it comes through the Equality Act or through the waves of cancel culture that seem to be flooding the globe. In this world we will have tribulation, but take heart, Jesus has overcome the world! He can equip us to do the same.

As we watch the progression of the Equality Act in the US, we can see similar laws working their way through the legal systems of many western nations. A ban on conversion therapy in Victoria, Australia carries penalties of up to ten years in prison and/or fines up to $200,000. Canadian Parliament continues to debate Bill C-6, a conversion therapy ban that also carries significant prison and financial penalties. Other nations or regions have already implemented similar conversion therapy bans including Brazil, Ecuador, and Mexico City. Germany has banned conversion therapy for anyone under 18. Twenty states in the US currently ban conversion therapy for minors. The United Nations is working on the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Mandate, a detailed plan to pressure nations to implement bans on sexual orientation and gender identity therapy that helps people overcome unwanted LGBTQ issues. Most bans expressly forbid therapists and caregivers from helping people move from an LGBTQ identity towards a heterosexual identity that embraces one’s birth gender (cisgender), while specifically supporting therapy to help someone move from a heterosexual or cisgender identity to an LGBTQ identity.

Culturally speaking, “conversion therapy” means any therapy, spiritual direction, or support of any type that helps people explore the possibility of moving away from an LGBTQ identity towards a heterosexual identity, and/or the possibility of moving away from a transgender identity to embrace their birth gender. (Individuals who embrace their birth gender are referred to as cisgender.) As earlier mentioned, people who support conversion therapy bans openly support assistance to help someone explore the process of moving away from a heterosexual or cisgender identity towards an LBGTQ identity. The term “conversion therapy” itself is misleading. LGBTQ advocates have created the term which fuels suspicion among non-believers who see the thought of converting anyone as wrong, and inspires mockery among the LGBTQ community as they perceive someone trying to convert them from gay to straight as utter nonsense. Proponents of conversion therapy bans regularly claim that those who practice it use force, coercion, shock treatments, nausea inducing drugs and violence. Shock treatments may have been used into the 50s for a wide variety of mental health issues; however, no reputable therapists today use shock treatments or any other such harmful practices in the care of anyone seeking to overcome LGBTQ issues. Proponents of conversion therapy bans seek to establish guilt by association. They seek to discredit appropriate care from trained therapists, pastoral caregivers, and peer support offered to willing participants by falsely claiming harmful practices.

What are the chances of the Equality Act passing the US Senate and being signed into law by the President? It depends on who you ask. Throughout this process, this author felt like he was watching breaking news coverage of a natural disaster or a traumatic event. During such news casts, it’s not unusual to hear one specific detail one moment, and a contrasting detail the next. Initially, reports of the chances of the act passing in the Senate were evenly divided. A recent review of the prognosis at, which describes itself as “the leading non-governmental source of legislative information and statistics”, cites Skopos Labs which gives the act a 24% chance of being enacted. The President has said that passing the Equality Act was his number one legislative priority within the first 100 days of taking office. If it passes the Senate, he will surely sign it into law.

Whether or not the Equality Act will ban conversion therapy, or make it illegal for pastors to preach against LGBTQ issues is another one of the issues that has shifted as more analysis is presented. Initially, it seemed that the act would make such things illegal. While the act does specifically state that conversion therapy is “discriminatory”, “discredited”, and “harmful”; it does not specifically ban such therapy or sermons. However, it does lay the groundwork to ban therapy and opens the door for discrimination lawsuits against churches and therapists that hold to traditional Scriptural interpretations. The belief that marriage should be between one male and one female would be identified as a “sexual stereotype” and discriminatory [Section 2(a)(2)]. It is now expected that a nationwide ban on conversion therapy would be presented quickly if the Equality Act becomes law.

The author of this newsletter is not a lawyer or legal expert. You are encouraged to do your own research and consult your own legal counsel where necessary. (You can find the full text of the Equality Act at However, the author has researched the Equality Act and has heard from others who have more extensive knowledge than he. Here are a few of the primary concerns about the act:

The Equality Act will amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to “prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, and for other purposes…” [Title Page, Introduction]. It will elevate the fluid and subjective traits of sexual orientation and gender identity to the same legal level of protection as the immutable traits of skin color and biological sexual identity.

The Equality Act will eliminate the protections from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. The Equality Act reads, “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 shall not provide a claim concerning, or a defense to a claim under, a covered title, or provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title.” [Section 1107] In other words, ministries, Christian medical practitioners, and Christian employers will not be able to use the RFRA as a defense if charged with a violation of the Equality Act.

The Equality Act will eliminate freedom of conscience protection for medical personnel. The act uses the phrase “pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition” [Section 1106(a)(1-2)] to include abortion. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the 3rd Circuit Court have interpreted “related medical condition” to include abortion []. Therefore, doctors can be required to perform abortions against their religious convictions or face discrimination charges. If a doctor performs mastectomies on a woman who has breast cancer, he would also be required to perform a double mastectomy on a biological female who identifies as a transgender male or face discrimination charges.

The Equality Act specifically identifies “conversion therapy” as discriminatory and harmful, setting the stage for conversion therapy bans. The act reads, “The discredited practice known as ‘conversion therapy’ is a form of discrimination that harms LGBTQ people by undermining individuals sense of self worth, increasing suicide ideation and substance abuse, exacerbating family conflict, and contributing to second class status.” [Section 2(a)(7)] This statement ignores over 100 years of scientific research that shows a shift in one’s sexual orientation is possible and that sexual orientation is fluid. The statement also ignores countless men and women who can personally testify that they have experienced a shift in their sexual attractions and/or have overcome a transgender identity and now embrace their biological sex with improved emotional health.

The Equality Act will eliminate traditional gender separation in multiple areas including domestic abuse shelters, bathrooms and locker rooms; and demands that they open them up to either biological gender. The act addresses shared facilities and reads, “an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity…” [Section 1101(b)(2)] It also addresses public accommodations by stating, “any establishment that provides a good, service, or program, including a store, shopping center, online retailer or service provider, salon, bank, gas station, food bank, service or care center, shelter, travel agency, or funeral parlor, or establishment that provides health care, accounting, or legal services…” [Section 3(a)(4)] Homeless shelters will be required to allow a biological male who perceives himself as a female to share the same facilities as the vulnerable woman finding refuge in the shelter. Churches and secular gyms will likely have to open their locker rooms based on perceived gender or face discrimination charges. How this legally applies to a church bathroom during a religious service is unclear. Churches that merely hold religious services may be able to uphold their traditional boundaries; however, any church that operates a daycare or school, or rents out their fellowship hall or gym will likely be required to follow the mandates of the act [].

Precisely how the Equality Act will affect churches is yet to be determined. Many people claim that the First Amendment to the US Constitution blocks the effects of the Equality Act for churches; however, a well-known insurance company used by many religious organizations acknowledges that churches may be required to follow the act during non-religious activities and when hiring non-religious personnel such as custodians and administrative staff. As Christian beliefs are legally identified as discriminatory and harmful, they would likely loose their First Amendment protection. One thing is certain, this law will face many legal challenges that could take years to resolve. There are Christian legal groups ready to file lawsuits against the law the moment it is enacted. Many scholars agree that the Equality Act is one of the gravest threats to religious freedom this country has ever faced.

Even if the Equality Act does not become law, Christians and conservatives will likely see their freedoms continue to pass away as the forces of cancel culture become stronger. Not even large corporations or famous celebrities are immune to the cancel culture that screams, “Agree with our political correctness or we will bring you to ruin!” Conservative businesses and organizations have faced boycotts and paid a heavy price for their values. Conservative celebrities have lost significant media roles. Social media giants seem to “fact check” conservative posts with much more scrutiny than liberal ones. They seem to have no qualms against canceling the accounts of conservatives with whom they disagree while allowing the account of dictators to remain []. Restored Hope Network, a network of ministries helping men and women overcome unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion, saw their social media page disappear for “violating community standards”. Other conservative ministries have suffered the same fate. A retail giant has pulled books from conservative authors written to help people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or understand gender confusion. (The author of this article knows some of those authors personally, and can attest to their compassion and godliness.) That same retail giant continues to offer Adolf Hitler’s Miene Komfth and Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Still other conservative ministries have had their videos pulled off of video hosting platforms or had their channel demonetized. The list of challenges to conservative organizations is much too extensive to include in a single newsletter. They include conservative organizations and industries losing their banking services, and attacks on the professional licenses of therapist who uphold Biblical principles.

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How can we live for Christ in an era that makes living for Christ difficult? We must remember the words of Christ at the beginning of this article, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” [John 16:33 NIV] We must remember the words of Jesus when he told the disciples, “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be a shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.” [Matthew 10:16 NLT] We must continue to draw nearer to Christ, and determine that we are living for eternity, and not for the here and now. As we find refuge in Him, we are equipped and strengthened for the challenges of the day. We must determine not to compromise our faith and our convictions no matter the cost.

On the practical side, we can begin to research the companies that we do business with and be prepared to transfer to more Christian friendly companies if and when necessary. We can support conservative companies over those that use their profits to support liberal endeavors. One resource to help you find out where organizations stand on conservative values is Another important step is to contact your US Senators and urge them not to support the Equality Act. You can find out who your elected officials are at If you are living in Michigan, you probably won’t be surprise to know that Senator Stabenow is in favor of the act, and that Senator Peters is a cosponsor. Even if they are already a vocal proponent of the Equality Act, it is important to register your opposition now to provide more legal support later on if the law is challenged in the courts.

Most importantly, do not give up. Remember, we are living for eternity. Jesus tells us many times in Scripture that persecution will come. He also tells us many times not to be afraid. In John 16:3, He tells us, “They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.” That verse helps me to have compassion for those who would persecute us. Our persecutors are eternal souls who desperately need the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ or they will go to Hell. Sometimes those who oppose us the most are the very ones who most need the valuable message that we carry. They don’t know the peace that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They don’t know the peace of living for eternity. We do. We must not compromise. We must continue to speak the truth in love and bring the message of salvation to a dying world. That may be one of the most important lessons we’re supposed to learn in all of this. Christ alone can sustain us and give us a heart to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us [Matthew 5:44]. Jesus has been preaching that message for over 2000 years. He wants us to live that message every day.

Photos used under license with © 2021 Reconciliation Ministries of Michigan, Inc.This article may be reproduced and distributed as long as no fee is charged and credit is given to Reconciliation Ministries of Michigan, Inc.

Now is the time to stand for righteousness. You can make a difference!


In this month’s newsletter, you’ll read Dawn’s testimony of deliverance from a life of abuse, addiction, and homosexuality. She is just one of the many people you’ve helped find healing and transformation through your support of Reconciliation Ministries of Michigan. Dawn is a beautiful example of God’s grace, and the power of faith-based recovery groups like Living Waters, Mending the Soul, Celebrate Recovery, and more. You have made a difference in Dawn’s life, and the lives of so many others who have benefited from the support groups, prayer ministry, licensed counseling, and spiritual care that you help provide.

We desperately need your help. The future of ministries like Reconciliation Ministries that help men and women overcome unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion hangs in the balance. On Thursday, February 25th, the US House of Representatives voted 224 to 206 to pass the Equality Act. The fate of this bill in the Senate is unclear; however, President Biden has stated that he intends to sign the act into law within the first 100 days of his presidency. The Equality Act is one of the biggest threats to religious freedom that our country has ever faced.

Here are just a few of the disastrous effects of The Equality Act:

  • It would remove protections offered to faith-based organizations under The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.

  • Faith-based organizations will be obligated to accept and follow federal LGBTQ guidelines or face severe penalties.

  • The Equality Act will remove freedom of conscience protection from medical practitioners forcing them to perform abortions and provide gender affirming treatments regardless of their convictions and religious doctrine.

  • The law identifies any form of support to help anyone overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion and embrace biblical sexuality as discrimination.

  • The bill would mandate licensed professional therapists and pastoral caregivers to affirm LGBTQ attractions regardless of their religious convictions and the desires of their clients.

You can find more information in the links at the end of this article.

You can make a difference. Contact your US Senators today and urge them not to sponsor or support the Equality Act.

Please be respectful and courteous in your communications with them. Affirm the value and dignity of all people regardless of their beliefs. This includes people within the LGBTQ community as well as people within communities of faith. Let them know if you or someone you love has been helped to overcome homosexuality and/or gender confusion through pastoral care, licensed therapy, and/or support groups. Urge them to keep that option available for others. Keep your communications brief and to the point. You can find your US Senators at

Thank you for helping to keep the freedom of religion alive in the United States. This is an important time in our nation’s history, and you can make a difference.

Here is more information about The Equality Act:

The House version of The Equality Act

A Call to Action on the Equality Act – Doug Clay, General Superintendent Assemblies of God, USA  

A Dangerous Attack on Religious Freedom and Free Speech – Liberty Counsel  

The FAQS: What You Should Know about the Pro-LGBTQ Equality Act – Gospel Coalition

Thank you for speaking out for the religious freedom of our country. Your voice matters!

In Christ,

Dan Hitz and your friends at Reconciliation Ministries of Michigan, Inc.

God’s Redeeming Love and Deliverance
Dawn Lynn Mann

Dawn is a friend of Reconciliation Ministries and an alumna of the Living Waters program. She is a Celebrate Recovery leader, and a Justice Ambassador for Prison Fellowship. Through the power of Jesus Christ, Dawn has overcome abuse, addiction, and sexual brokenness. She shares her testimony publicly to encourage others. Dawn is also a writer, and the facilitator of an online recovery group. You can read her blog at

Dawn Lynn Mann.jpg

I was pulled into an abyss of an already darkened world by my spiritual blindness. I believed in God but didn’t really know who He was. I surely didn’t live for Him. This path of destruction was paved with despair that left me feeling lonely, sad, deserted, and hopeless. I was a scared, insecure child. All I ever wanted was to be loved, but it became something else. This perverted abuse started as a young child. I tried to have boyfriends, but even through my teenage years their sex drive became too strong to the point of one attempting to rape me. Therefore, I was extremely uncomfortable and fearful of boys who would later become men.

I was afraid to let my feelings out, so I kept them hidden. I began experimenting with alcohol and unfortunately discovered I liked the sense of being free. I lost all inhibitions and felt I was no longer held captive inside my body, but I also was very naïve. One night, I went to a house, thinking I was going to have a couple drinks with other people. Once I arrived, I found I was alone. The house was dark. Two men took advantage of me and stripped me of every inch of dignity I had. At the time I didn’t identify this as rape, or my past experiences as sexual assault and abuse. I stayed silent. I blamed myself.

Later, I was introduced to cocaine. My newest friends were “drug lords.” I was drawn into an underground world completely covered in darkness where killings were rampant. I was trapped under their influence. One night I was led with a runner to a hotel room with no way out. Nothing happened, but that feeling of entrapment came flooding in from what I now know was complex PTSD. My fear of men ran deep. I felt so uncomfortable and completely pushed them away and turned the other direction.

I didn’t know how to face what I was afraid of. I was torn up. This secret stayed bottled up in agonizing silence and led to sexual attraction to other women. One night the shame was more than I could bare. I attempted to drink myself to death. Not too long after that, I met a woman and for the first time felt safe and deeply in love. Drinking was set aside for only special occasions. After 15 years, it fell apart from the tragedies of life. It left me completely devastated and my heart was shattered in pieces. I began to physically hurt. Alcohol gave me an escape once again. Death returned to knock on my door, this time with the question, “How many Xanax could I take to safely knock me out?” What I didn’t know was that even the minimum amount was more than my heart could bare.

I longed to fill my brokenness and find love. I began experimenting by going to gay bars. What I found were people like me. I belonged, felt safe, and was understood. I thought I found new friends. The next few years, I had a few more relationships. I was an emotional mess and my longing to be loved became deeply enmeshed with broken relationships. I started drinking heavily from not knowing how to cope with the mental and emotional abuse from one of these relationships. One night, after an argument with my girlfriend, I found myself at a bar where a man bought me a couple of strong drinks. His advances became extremely inappropriate. The moment I found a way to escape, I left. I was pulled over by the police as soon as I left the parking lot and was arrested. I went straight to jail and charged with a DUI.

My last relationship, where I thought I found love, was filled with verbal, emotional, and spiritual abuse. I didn’t feel safe and was extremely afraid of her. By God’s power the door was finally shut. Not too long after that I got pulled over for speeding. I thought I had waited enough time to sober up, but an alcohol reading of .08 showed otherwise. A hard lesson learned where I take responsibility and thank God that I didn’t have more alcohol in my system and no harm was done to others. I went straight to jail. This time I cried out to God, “Please help me, I am so sorry, I will do anything.” Then God showed me a story about someone else who had been convicted of a DUI. Tears came flooding in. I wasn’t alone. I reached out to that person in my hopeless despair. I was scared and full of shame, but I couldn’t believe how God’s love poured into me through somebody I didn’t even know. It is a moment in my life I will never forget. The DUI was a blessing in disguise because it is when I truly started seeking God with all my heart. My relationship with Him became alive. This is when I surrendered and gave not only my heart, but my life to Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

God had done so much healing in revealing truth, but I wanted to go even deeper. That is exactly what God did through the Living Waters program where He focused on my sexual confusion and abuse. When I spoke from my heart in a safe group, it brought another level of healing from all the pain of abuse I incurred during the darkest times of my past. I wasn’t alone that night. Someone was by my side, held my hand, and wept with me. As I spoke the pain of what was done to Jesus on that cross, where He bore it all and took it upon Himself, I heard Him say, “I have always loved you with an everlasting love.”

I have now been living a life of sobriety for over four years by the grace of God. Jesus is now the One who fills up every broken, empty place with the gift of the Holy Spirit residing in me. Drugs and alcohol were once the lingering effects of the devastation from trauma of sexual abuse and assault. A cleansing love of Jesus Christ like I have never experienced before now resides in my heart. The Lord delivered me from the debilitating fear of men that plunged me into having gay relationships. The love for my ex was and is real, but it is different now as the Lord is the love of my life. I am no longer fearful of men or living a past life of homosexuality. I have been set free by the precious blood of Jesus.

Jesus said to the people who believed in Him, “You are truly My disciples if you remain faithful to My teachings. And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” [John 8:31-32 NLT] The truth is, real love is only found in Jesus.


I now have been sharing God’s story of love and redemption to help others find the hope and freedom that I so desperately needed. The Lord has opened the door to share my story in many churches, and with Celebrate Recovery, a podcast, YouTube, and via radio. I sponsor and mentor others as I have been, and continue to be. I teach God’s word, lead small group, and serve as a Celebrate Recovery leader and a Justice Ambassador for Prison Fellowship. My story, “Breaking Free”, is published in a compilation book, Faith and Freedom. I am blessed to have some of my articles published in Arise Daily, Leading Hearts Magazine, and on my blog. I write about hard stuff that is hidden and bring it into the light to help others benefit from what God has brought me through. I facilitate a safe ministry group where others can come together and share true stories to bring hope and help others. In February I was on a panel discussing sexuality and finding hope and freedom highlighting God’s love for the Arise Esther Virtual Conference. I am looking forward to sharing my testimony with Freedom March in the months ahead. All of this is made possible by the love, redemption, and transformation that Jesus provided through the cross.

I have started the process of writing my own book. The Lord has put a deep passion in my heart to see others set free, and I stand in Christ’s authority on a mission to win souls for the Kingdom of God. He has told me to clear my stuff out and make the light load, wait on Him, and be ready to go. I’m listening to Him. I say, Yes Lord, Your will, Your way.

You can read Dawn’s blog here:

You can access Dawn’s Facebook group here:

© 2021 Dawn Lynn Mann. Printed in the Reconciliation Ministries of Michigan, Inc. newsletter with permission.