New Healing Hearts Logo.jpg

Healing Hearts is a confidential Christian support group for parents and families of those embracing homosexual and transgender identities.  Learn how to love your LGBTQ identified son or daughter without compromising your Biblical convictions. The next meeting will be held via Zoom on Sunday, January 12th from 2:00 - 4:00pm. For more information and a link to the Zoom meeting call Renee at 313.937.3422.

Curious about inner healing? Join us for CrossCurrent, an eight-week introduction to inner healing based on the Living Waters program.

CrossCurrent is an open, Christ-centered support group for those seeking truth and grace in their sexuality and relationships.

The eight teachings that make up CrossCurrent include the following:

  • Getting Real: Jesus and the True Self

  • Getting Healed: How Jesus on the Cross Bears our Wounds

  • Becoming Secure in the Father’s Love

  • Beyond Brokenness

There is no charge or application process for the CrossCurrent group. Participants are free to attend as they are available. The optional guidebook is available for $10. CrossCurrent will be meeting at Renewal Church, 11174 E 13 Mile Road in Warren, every Monday evening from 7pm to 9.30pm. It begins Monday, February 3, 2025, and concludes on March 31st. CrossCurrent includes a time or worship, large group teaching and ministry, and small groups.

Click here for more information about CrossCurrent.

Call 586.739.5114, or email

Sign up now for our next
Breakthrough Prayer Ministry class!

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Inner healing prayer helps to heal wounds from abuse, trauma, and emotional pain that have formed strongholds in our lives. Strongholds are patterns of thinking that influence the way we think, feel, act, and react to life. Negative strongholds are at the roots of depression, anxiety, sinful habits and addictions. Inner healing prayer is a technique where a peer ministry provider can help someone who is hurting understand the roots of his or her stronghold and receive healing and resolution through Jesus Christ. Inner healing prayer, also known as prayer ministry, helps broken people overcome negative strongholds to live the lives Jesus designed them to live.

This beginning Breakthrough Prayer Ministry class will equip men and women to understand the foundations of inner healing prayer, and develop their skills as they provide and receive inner healing prayer. The goal is to teach and equip a group of people who can return to their local churches and help others find freedom. After the class, the instructor will remain available for questions and assistance as the participants continue to grow in their skills.

There is no charge for this class; however, there is an application process. Sessions will run Thursday evenings from 7pm to 9:30pm beginning January 16th and concluding February 27th.

More information will be available soon. Our first advanced Breakthrough Prayer Ministry class is scheduled for April and May 2025. You must have completed the basic class in order to participate in the advanced class.

Call 586.739.5114 or email for registration information.