Healing & Recovery: Perspective for Young Men with Sexualized Attachments – Floyd Godfrey, PdD
Healing and Recovery, LLC
Floyd Godfrey presents an excellent resource for males dealing with sexualized attachment (bonding and connection) issues. He guides the reader through the complex process of recovery and cautions against expecting a "magical cure" or accepting the labels placed on one by society. He helps the reader see unwanted same-sex attraction as a broken attempt to solve deeper, legitimate needs; and provides valuable insights to fulfill those needs in healthy ways. Although the book is written for teens and young men, it summarizes many complex facets of sexualized attachment in a way that is easy to understand and is helpful for males of all ages and those who want to gain a deeper understanding. Godfrey writes from a compassionate Biblical worldview.
Healing Homosexuality – Leanne Payne
Leanne Payne is one of the early pioneers of inner healing prayer for people struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction. Healing Homosexuality presents a good introduction to some of the potential root issues of homosexuality, and how the Lord can heal the heart of the struggler. This book is a condensed version of her classic, The Broken Image, and a good start for those beginning their journey out of homosexuality.
The Gay Gospel? – Joe Dallas
Harvest House
Joe Dallas formerly identified both as a gay advocate and a Christian. He wrestled with the idea of reconciling his homosexuality with his Christian faith, and eventually came to the conclusion that God’s will for his life was to repent of homosexuality and embrace Biblical sexuality. In The Gay Gospel?, Dallas writes from experience to explain the Scriptural beliefs of the gay affirming church, and a traditional Biblical response. He does so with a unique blend of compassion and conviction. This book covers theological topics while Speaking of Homosexuality explores cultural issues.
Speaking of Homosexuality – Joe Dallas
Baker Books
In Speaking of Homosexuality, Joe Dallas explains how to have clear, compassionate conversations about the many cultural challenges concerning homosexuality. He helps the reader understand the heart of the traditionalist who holds to conservative Biblical principles; and understand the heart of revisionists, those who affirm homosexuality. He explains the revisionist’s viewpoints on a wide variety of issues, and presents a balanced traditionalist’s response. This book is very helpful in understanding the complex cultural issues surrounding homosexuality.
Gay Girl, Good God - Jackie Hill Perry
B & H Publishing Group
With honest, spoken word poetry, Jackie Hill Perry tells of her rejection of her own personal feminism, her journey into lesbianism, and the powerful rescue of a good God to touch her heart when she least expected Him to. You’ll read her honest account of her overwhelming victories and her desperate struggles, as she learns to trust the Lord to teach her how to follow Him. She offers practical advice to anyone surrendering their LGBTQ desires, to those who love them, and to the church who wonders what to do with them. This is a powerful read, and an even more powerful listen with the audio edition.
Transgender Issues
Understanding Gender Confusion
Denise Shick - Help 4 Families Press - 2014
This book is a good introduction to gender dysphoria and transgender issues for strugglers and those who love them. In Understanding Gender Confusion, Denise Shick does an excellent job of presenting the emotional roots of gender confusion and the challenges of overcoming gender issues. Shick also looks at the political and cultural issues of transgender issues and explores the problems associated with hormone therapy and sex change regret. She presents the information with an easy to understand Biblical and compassionate worldview. Shick is the founder of Help 4 Families, a ministry serving those struggling with transgender issues and their families. You can find them on the internet at
Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult
Maria Keffler - Partners for Ethical Care - 2021
Maria Kefler presents a well-researched and compassionate look the how many pre-teens through young adults are swept into the transgender movement. She explains how many schools, healthcare providers, politicians, and social media influencers are practicing cult-like techniques to coach young people into embracing a transgender identity. Kefler looks at personality traits susceptible to persuasion by the trans community, love bombing and ways the trans community separates kids from their parents, the heart-ache parents experience, and how they can help their son or daughter pull away from the persuasive tactics of the transgender movement. This book is written from a secular perspective, yet is very faith friendly.
When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement
Ryan T Anderson – Encounter Books – 2018
Ryan T Anderson, Ph.D., is the William E. Simon senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, and the founder and editor of Public Discourse. He presents an in-depth exploration of the cultural and legal issues in the transgender movement. He explains how the transgender movement achieved the overwhelming influence it has today, and how transgender activists have pressured the medical and therapeutic community to focus solely on transgender affirming treatment rather than to explore and resolve the underlying issues of gender dysphoria. Anderson presents testimonies from men and women who have experienced sex change regret, and also presents a thorough exploration of the trends of transgender affirming therapy on young children and teens. This book is not presented as a Christian work; however, the values and insights presented are consistent with conservative Christian values.
Trans Life Survivors
Walt Heyer - Self Published – 2018
Walt Heyer was born a male and surgically transitioned to female when he was 42 years old. In spite of living as a woman for eight years, Heyer recognized that his transition failed to bring him the peace he had hoped for. His gender dysphoria grew worse. He detransitioned back to his male identity and now helps men and women who are experiencing the pain of sex change regret. This book includes testimonies from men and women who have reached out to him for help, an overview of the research on gender dysphoria and sex change regret, and lessons learned through many years of ministry. Trans Life Survivors will likely be a difficult read for parents and loved ones of transgender identified individuals; however, it offers an honest look at the transgender industry and life after transition.
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
Abigail Shrier - Regnery Publishing - 2020
Abigail Schrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, presents a sobering look at the trends on high school and college campuses that are seeing whole peer groups of female friends identify as transgender. She documents the actions of schools, universities, counselors, and even those in the medical community who ignore sound science and research in the name of political correctness and transgender affirmation. She documents the results of those who have embraced a transgender identity, and shows how a vast majority actually see their mental health decline. This book is significant as it is written from a secular worldview by an author that does not believe that transformation from homosexuality is possible and favors gender transformation in some cases; however, does an excellent job of exposing the harm done through the current tsunami of transgender activism. She interviews members on both sides of this debate including those who are happily transgendered, desisters, detransitioners, researchers, and parents. Most importantly, she offers practical advice to those who have transgendered identified loved ones and those who wish to return to their birth gender.
God and the Transgender Debate
Andrew T. Walker - The Good Book Company - 2017
God and the Transgender Debate presents a thorough look at the cultural and political issues concerning transgender issues in order to help us understand how transgender issues have become so prevalent, so quickly, in our society. Walker does an excellent job of helping the reader understand the struggles that someone dealing with gender identity issues goes through and how the church can respond in a Biblical and compassionate manner. He also looks at God’s design for our sexuality, and answers some tough questions we in the church may have as we seek to love those struggling with transgender issues with the love of Christ. Although this book does not cover the healing process deeply, it is still a valuable read to understand the heart of the issue.
Pornography and Sexual Addiction
Falling Forward – Craig Lockwood
Desert Stream Press
This Christian workbook is an excellent tool in your journey to overcome pornography and sexual addiction. It can be used independently, or in a group. Falling Forward incorporates many of the principles of the Living Waters program and includes additional information on the cycle of addiction and boundaries. Each chapter includes questions to help the reader understand how the topics apply to his life. Readers will also create a personal action plan to give them practical steps to follow in their recovery. This workbook is available directly from Desert Stream Ministries at
Every Man’s Battle – Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker
Water Brook Press
Every Man’s Battle and Every Young Man’s Battle are well respected, Christian classics in the area of pornography and sexual addiction. These books include helpful information on overcoming addiction and reframing our worldview to empower us to submit our sexuality to Christ. Both books include a workbook which readers can use individually or in a group. One concern I do have about Every Man’s Battle is that the testimonies tend to include details which the reader may find slightly triggering; nevertheless, these books can be beneficial in one’s recovery process.
Out of the Shadows – Patrick Carnes, Ph.D
Out of the Shadows is a powerful classic on the subject of pornography and sexual addiction. Patrick Carnes does an excellent job of helping the reader understand the, mindset of both the addict and the codependent/enabler in an addict’s life. He provides practical information to both in the process of overcoming sexual addiction, understanding the roots of addiction, and counting the cost of addiction. It is important to note that this is a secular book which does not uphold biblical boundaries for sexual expression. Many of the testimonies may include information that could be triggering to the reader. Nevertheless, the valuable information in this book outweighs the potential negative aspects. Out of the Shadows is a good resource for addicts, their loved ones, and those who are ministering to sexual addicts.
Wired for Intimacy – William M. Struthers, Ph.D
InterVarsity Press
Wired for Intimacy is a Christian book that looks at the roots and effects of pornography from a biblical worldview. The book also looks at the crisis in masculinity in today’s culture. Wired for Intimacy offers an extremely clinical explanation of the brain’s neurochemical response to pornography; however, it does not explore the process of “rebooting your brain” or how the brain can “rewire” itself as an addict embraces recovery. Wired for Intimacy offers a brief introduction to recovery; however, rather than covering recovery in-depth, the book provides a list of resources that the reader can pursue for more information.
Sexual Abuse Recovery
Mending the Soul: Understanding and Healing Abuse, 2nd Edition - Steven R. Tracy
Mending the Soul: Understanding and Healing Abuse, 2nd Edition, by Steven R. Tracey, PhD., is an excellent resource for men and women who are overcoming all forms of abuse. Tracey offers an in-depth look at the many dynamics and negative effects of abuse and offers biblically based, practical insights for recovery. The second edition of this book was released in April 2023, and includes information for survivors of domestic and international sex trafficking, those abused in the foster system, refugees, and victims of genocide. The book also includes a list of helpful resources including books, website, and organizations. You can purchase the book at A workbook is available.
Mending the Soul Student Edition: Understanding and Healing Abuse - Steven R. Tray and Celestia G. Tracy with Krisit Ickes Garison
The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse - Dr. Dan B. Allender
Healing the Wounded Heart: The Heartache of Sexual Abuse and the Hope of Transformation
Baker Books
Recovering from Abusive Relationships
Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse - Shannon Thomas LCSW
MAST Publishing House
In her book, Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse, Shannon Thomas describes the journey a survivor of psychological abuse endures during their relationship with the toxic person, and during their recovery in the aftermath of the abuse. She describes the character traits of abusers who meet the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder (commonly referred to as a sociopath or psychopath). Thomas identifies the six stages of recovery from psychological abuse as despair, education, awakening, boundaries, restoration, and maintenance. She does an excellent job of describing each stage of abuse and guiding the reader through each stage. She provides definitions along the way to help the reader understand each step of their journey. The author is not overtly Christian; however, her writing is supportive of healthy spirituality.
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Miniulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church - David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen
Bethany House Publishers
Spiritual abuse turns what God intended to be one of the safest places in our lives into some of the most painful and disempowering places and experiences. In their classic book, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse, Johnson and VanVonderen offer hope and healing for anyone who has been trapped in a spiritually abuse church or organization. They explore spiritually abusive tactics, how people get drawn into a spiritually abusive system, the characteristics of abusive churches and organizations, and how abusers misuse Scripture to control and manipulate. This book is written from a Christian perspective and can help spiritual abuse survivors find freedom and healing.
Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back when Someone You Care About has Borderline Personality Disorder – Paul T. Mason, MS and Randi Kreger
New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Stop Walking on Eggshells is an invaluable book for anyone involved with someone who has borderline personality disorder. Does someone you love have mood swings and violent rages, make suicidal threats, falsely accuse you of evil intentions, try to manipulate and control you, or accuse you of not doing enough no matter how much you’ve sacrificed and tried to help them? This book can help you understand life with someone diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. It can help you learn to stand up for yourself and implement boundaries, defuse arguments, and protect yourself and others from violent behavior. Although this is not a Christian book, it is respectful of faith and offers valuable insights.
The Betrayal Bond: Breaking Free of Exploitive Relationships - Patrick J. Carnes, PhD. with Bonnie Phillips, PhD.
Health Communications, Inc.
Carnes and Phillips explain why some people continue to be emotionally enmeshed with individuals or systems that are abusive and exploitive. Betrayal bonds can result from abusive relationships, employers, incest and child abuse, broken family systems, domestic violence, hostage situations, kidnapping, professional exploitation, and religious abuse. The authors explain how these relationships form, who is most vulnerable, how the bonds become so powerful, how to recognize them, and how to find freedom. While the authors of this book are not Christians, they offer important insights that are helpful to those wresting with betrayal bonds.
Why Does He Do That: Inside the Minds of Angry and Abusive Men – Lundy Bancroft
Berkley Books
In his book, Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Abusive Men, Lundy Bancroft explores the minds of men who abuse their wives or partners. He helps the reader understand how abusers use anger, manipulation, gas lighting, and fear in a calculated way to control others. Often, abusers are well-respected people who foster admiration and respect from others. Only their families know what happens behind closed doors. Bancroft explains the early warning signs of abusers, abusive personality types, the role of drugs and alcohol, what a partner can and cannot fix, and how to get out of an abusive relationship safely. This book is not written from a Christian perspective; however, it offers valuable information to anyone in a relationship with an abusive man.
General Recovery
Pure Heart - Tom and Donna Cole
"Pure Heart: Restoration of the Heart through the Beatitudes" is a journey into the deep treasures of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Each chapter addresses one of the eight Beatitudes in a unique approach to inner healing. God longs for us to know Him, and He wants to heal the wounds in our hearts. You may find it difficult to receive love from God or from others because of past abuse or neglect, but desire to go deeper into the Lord's heart. This book is for you. You will discover God's abiding affections toward you and explore His promises over you. As you seek Him for healing, may He restore your heart to wholeness and fulfill the promises of blessing in your life. Tom and Donna Cole have ministered in restoration of the heart and inner healing since 1989. Their desire is to see the Church walk in fullness without the hindrance of wounds and shame. They have spoken nationally and internationally on the healing heart of the Father and speak at conferences, seminars and retreats on issues such as the deeper Christian life and having a life of prayer. They also speak at Pure Heart seminars and retreats, based on this book. For more information, you can visit their website at Tom and Donna reside in Kansas City, Missouri with their four children.