You Can Change Lives


Before Living Waters, I didn’t even  know who I was, I had hidden myself so well behind my layers of broken protection, that I couldn’t even find myself… but God found me. He found me buried in the rubble, He gently scrubbed my wounds, and bandaged them in both Grace and Mercy.

A female participant.

I knew that I needed help to actively pursue a different course, one that acknowledges that God hasn’t made people to have same-sex relationships. I’m pursuing God with everything in me and learning, thanks to Living Waters, how to approach life in a healthy way.

A male participant.

These are just two examples of the lives touched through the prayers and financial support of the Reconciliation Ministries support team. You can empower men and woman to find freedom from the trauma of abuse, the bondage of sexual addiction, and struggles with unwanted LGBTQ identities. You can help men and women find freedom in Christ.

There are still many more souls in bondage to sin. Emotional battle scars are obvious on the faces of the precious men and women who come for help. Many have been rejected and hurt by those who should have been safe – sometimes even in the church. Many are skeptical that they can ever be free. Your donation can offer hope. You can provide a Living Waters scholarship to help someone experience deep healing in a Christ-centered recovery program. You can provide a counseling scholarship to help men, women, and adolescents who can’t afford therapy at other counseling clinics; receive Biblically based, low-cost, licensed professional counseling and prayer ministry. You can help transform the lives of people right here where you live by making a tax-deductible donation today by clicking here. A gift of any size helps.

Thank you for helping to bridge the gap between the church and the sexually broken. You are making a difference.