See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. Galatians 2:8


Thank you for helping those who are bound by sin experience the transforming grace and love of Jesus Christ. My heart was burdened this week as I joined other Restored Hope Network member ministry leaders in prayer for the sexual brokenness of our country. My heart was especially burdened for those in the younger generation who believe the lie that sexual orientation and gender identity are determined at birth and unchangeable. They are feeding on a constant media frenzy celebrating sexual brokenness and perversion. Many seem to take delight in running as fast and as far away from traditional sexual norms as they can. Many of us in the older generation know all too well that the temporary ecstasy of false sexual freedom eventually fades to heartache and pain. More tragically, it moves those who celebrate it further away from the redemption and transformation that Jesus Christ has to offer. Most of these people are culturally good people. Many do great things and know how to celebrate community. They are sincere in their pursuit of sexual excitement and proving that love is love. My heart breaks with the realization that they are sincerely wrong. I pray that these beautiful people experience the awesome love of Jesus Christ. May they surrender to Him and experience transformation deep in their souls that leads to true sexual freedom.

Your prayers and financial support to Reconciliation Ministries offer hope to those struggling with sexual and relational brokenness. You offer a safe place for precious men, women, and adolescents to bare their hearts, ask questions, and hear truth about their sexuality. You offer a healing place for those who have been devastated by abuse to experience the healing power of Jesus Christ. Reconciliation Ministries is a place founded on Biblical truth where men and women who have experienced the redemption and transformation that Christ offers, walk with those who are struggling to the foot of the cross. A place where the broken are made whole.

Please make a tax-deductible donation today to touch the hearts of people in need. You can donate securely online by clicking here. Your financial gift can help transform lives.

In Christ,

Dan Hitz and your friends at Reconciliation Ministries of Michigan, Inc.

Photo by Adrian Swancar via