Jesus Forgives Abortion

“I tell you, her sins – and they are many – have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” – Luke 7:47-48 NIV

Are you surrounded by a dark cloud of condemnation because of something you’ve done? Do you hate yourself because of your past and feel like the shame of it will be on you forever? Luke 4 tells us the story of a sinful woman who crashed a dinner party given in Jesus’ honor. The woman wept as she anointed Jesus’ feet with her tears and a jar of expensive perfume. Surely the woman wasn’t clueless about the judgmental attitudes of the “spiritual” people at the party. Nevertheless, she threw herself at Jesus’ mercy. When Jesus noticed that some of the people there were getting an attitude that He was letting this sinful woman touch Him so intimately, He decided to show them how deep His forgiveness runs. The self-righteous people didn’t accept her, but Jesus did. In recognizing the severity of her sin, she was empowered to experience the depths of Jesus’ mercy. In experiencing the depths of His mercy, she was able to understand the fullness of His love.

One of the sins that causes the most shame is abortion. The shame and condemnation can be debilitating for the woman who had an abortion. Some women are coerced into having an abortion by abusive men who use violence and threats to force the woman to take the life of her own child. Sometimes family members pour shame upon an unwed mother. The woman, afraid of losing any shred of support, may agree to have an abortion rather than being abandoned by the few people in her life who feign acceptance as long as there is compliance. Some men were heartbroken as they stood opposed to the abortion, but powerless to stop it. Abortion is devastating. Truly it is a grievous sin, but we have a merciful Savior who allowed wicked, evil men to torture and kill Him so that he could take the punishment that we deserve for our sin. Jesus not only offers to take the punishment that we deserve, He offers to carry our devastation and grief. He died to set us free, cleanse us of our sins, and transform our hearts to become more like His. He offers to forgive us of much, so that we can be free to love and be loved much.

If you or someone you love is suffering from the heartache of abortion, Reconciliation Ministries is here for you. We have compassionate caregivers who can hear your heart and walk with you to Jesus. Call us at 586.739.5114. You can experience the deep forgiveness that Jesus has to offer and know the power of His deep love. You can read how Jesus touched Cassie’s heart and brought her healing from the devastation of two abortions by clicking here. Jesus offers hope and healing to everyone who comes to Him. Even you.