A Letter I Posted to Facebook on July 28, 2020...


Dear Facebook and FacebookApp,

I am writing to urge Facebook to end its censorship of ministries, groups, and postings that help men and women overcome unwanted same-sex attraction and gender dissatisfaction. These groups and postings do not promote hate speech, but rather offer alternate points of view that can be very life giving for those who wish to align their sexuality with their faith. The many ministries that I have been involved with for over twenty years respect the dignity and personal choices of those who wish to remain LGBTQ identified, while offering an alternative to those who do not wish to embrace an LGBTQ identity.

I identified as bisexual in my late teens and early twenties and had the goal of finding a man and settling down as a same-sex couple. No matter how hard I tried to embrace my homosexual desires, I remained unhappy and wanted to die. When I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, some of my same-sex desires did shift to a small degree and I got married to a female. Although we remain happily married 33 years later, I found out early in our marriage that marriage did not diminish the rest of my same-sex desires. I became more depressed and hopeless until I experienced true transformation through a very compassionate ministry (similar to Restored Hope Network) that helped me understand who I was as a man in Christ. This ministry helped me to embrace my true self as a heterosexual man who happens to struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions. Over time, my same-sex attractions diminished greatly. I now have joy and self-acceptance of who God made me to be. Without the ministry and counseling I received from good people who helped me yield my sexuality to my faith and walk away from homosexuality, I seriously doubt that I would be full of peace and flourishing today. I seriously doubt that I would be emotionally stable at all.

I respect and value all people, even those who chose to embrace their LGBTQ identities. Even those with whom I disagree. I welcome open, respectful dialog on our differences. True tolerance and diversity allows and seeks to understand all points of view, even those with whom they may not agree. It is actually intolerant to demand that everyone embrace LGBTQ identities and reject the testimonies and scientific evidence that shows men and women can indeed experience a shift in their orientation and gender identity.

Please practice true tolerance and diversity. Please do not silence the thousands of voices of men and women like me who have experienced a real shift in our sexuality.


Dan Hitz